Solar Trees: Shift from Grey to Green Sky for Future Fuel Pumps under Clean/Green Energy: India

Siba Prasad Mishra *

Department of Civil Engineering, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha, India.

Nimay Chandra Giri

Department of ECE, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha, India.

Debashree Debadatta Behera

Department of Mechanical Eng., Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha, India.

Smruti Ranjan Nayak

Department of ECE, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Clean/green energy embraces renewable resources like bio, geo, hydro, oceanic, solar, and aeolian power. They are utilized in energy generation, heating and cooling processes, transport, domestic and urban niches. India has aimed to rise in its per capita energy use to rise by 40%, and emission cut/GDP pledge by 33-35% till 2030 compared to 2005 level by building extra carbon sink 2.5-3.0 billion MT CO2e by targeting renewable source to 175GW (100GW of Solar) by 2022. The killer SARSCoV-2 virus has the target and the clean/green energy growth. The reduction of CO2 has been depleted due to industrial, urban and transportation shut downs and the 2019 grey sky has converted old blue environment, Solar power plants considered to be best remedy for apocalyptic. The Solar tree or Solar Parks concept is novel and the most easy, economic and commercial method that can have utilities in all development sector. The work envisages the design by MATLAB (Simulink simulated). The fabrication of solar trees of 180 watt capacity in workshop including has been tested under different solar insulations. The result inferred that the solar tree can be a part to solar park, installed at fallow/hilly terrains in less area, low cost by 18.51%, with higher power generation by sustaining the environment serve as real trees. The solar trees near National Highways shall sell/hire batteries on commercial basis like fuel pumps and gas cylinders for supply to e-vehicles.

Keywords: Carbon emission, electricity generation, thermal power plant, solar PV system, solar power plant, solar tree.

How to Cite

Mishra, Siba Prasad, Nimay Chandra Giri, Debashree Debadatta Behera, and Smruti Ranjan Nayak. 2020. “Solar Trees: Shift from Grey to Green Sky for Future Fuel Pumps under Clean/Green Energy: India”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 10 (11):68-86.