Effect of Di-tert Butyl Peroxide on Diesel Engine Performance Fuelled by Biodiesel Blends
Pareshkumar K. Kachot
Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, CAET, Anand Agricultural University, Godhara, Gujarat, India.
D. K. Vyas
Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, CAET, AAU, Godhra, India.
S. K. Chavda *
Department of Agriculture Engineering, CPCA, SDAU, S. K. Nagar, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
This study is motivated by the fact that the vegetable oils are being considered as the fuel of the future for the internal combustion engines, especially the compression ignition engines which are working with diesel as fuel. Different approaches for using the vegetable oils in CI engines as fuel are either to modify the oils to match with that of diesel to run successfully with these oils. Fuel additives are compounds formulated to enhance the quality and efficiency of the fuels used in motor vehicles. There are several benefits associated with the use of fuel additives. Di-tert butyl peroxide (DTBP) is effective for enhance the quality and efficiency of the fuels used in CI engine. The investigation was to check the feasibility of di-tert butyl peroxide as an additive in different blends of diesel and jetropha bio-diesel on engine performance. The short-term tests on an unmodified diesel engine were conducted using the bio diesel and di-tert butyl peroxide blends (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 100 per cent and 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 per cent) with diesel. The engine performance and emission characteristics were measured during the short-term test. In all types of fuel, with increased percentage of load, brake specific energy consumption (BSEC) of the engine was observed to be decreased, on the other hand brake thermal efficiency, fuel consumption rate, sound level (db.), exhaust temperature, and the engine exhaust emissions like CO2, CO, HC and NOx was increased, respectively.
Keywords: Bio diesel, transesterification, CI engine, Di-tert butyl peroxide