An Analysis of Attitude towards Green Products among the Urban and Rural Consumers

Bhavini B. Patil *

Department of Family Resource Management, College of Community Science, UAS Dharwad, India.

Suma Hasalkar

Department of Family Resource Management, College of Community Science, UAS Dharwad, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The growing environmental concern amongst the public has demanded organizations, businesses and individuals to be responsible and conscious in their everyday activity not to cause any harm to the environment. Most environmental problems are caused by the way people living and continuously damaging the environment. The study was conducted with the aim to assess the awareness and knowledge among the consumers about green products. The exploratory research design was adopted to conduct the study. The data was collected from 600 educated consumers from the urban and rural areas of Dharwad and Belagavi district. The data was analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean,‘t’ test and correlation coefficient.  The results revealed that Both in urban and rural the areas majority of the consumers belonged 22-29 years of age group and more than half of the consumers selected for study were graduates in urban area and studied upto 12th standard in rural area. With regard to occupation one third of the consumers selected for the study were students, followed by unemployed and self employed consumers. Majority of the consumers had medium family income of rupees 7,380-51,780 per month. Maximum number of the selected consumers belonged to upper middle socio economic category. Maximum number of the selected consumers belonged to upper middle socio economic category. The female consumers in both the locality had favourable attitude towards green products compared to male consumers. There was highly significant difference between the gender and between the locations at 0.01 level. There was significant difference between the gender and location at 0.05 level of significance.

Keywords: Green products, green marketing, consumers, socio economic status, health and environment, attitude

How to Cite

Patil, Bhavini B., and Suma Hasalkar. 2021. “An Analysis of Attitude towards Green Products Among the Urban and Rural Consumers”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 11 (1):144-59.