Geophysical Investigation Using 3-Dimensional Grid-Formation for Subsurface Lithology Characterization (A Case Study of Ovia North East, Edo State, South South Nigeria)
O. J. Airen *
P. S. Iyere
Department of Physics, Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Geophysical investigations using three-dimensional (3D) grid formation was carried out in Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria for subsurface lithology characterisation so as to generate a comprehensive basemap of the study area. Twelve (12) traverses in form of a rectangular grid were occupied for the 2D Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) using the Wenner array. The 2D were all collated to form the 3D grid. The 2D Electrical Resistivity data was processed by the inversion of the 2D apparent resistivity data using the DIPRO software to generate the 2D inverted resistivity section while the 3D inverted resistivity model was done by inverting all the twelve traverses using 3DEarthimager software to model the 3D cube. The results of the 2D ERI revealed three (03) to five (05) resistivity structures across the twelve traverses indicating clay/clayey sand, sand and sandstone on a 200 and 300 m lateral distance and corresponding depth of 39.6 and 57.3 m across each traverses. Resistivity values generally varies from 16.8 – 45302 Ωm across Traverse 1 – 12. The layer horizontal depth slices of the 3D inverted resistivity distribution are in six layers, which are; 0 - 5 m, 5 – 10.8 m, 10.8 – 17.4 m, 17.4 – 25 m, 25 – 33.7 m and 33.7 – 43.8 m. The 3D inverted resistivity model within the study area covered lateral plane (the roll axis), 300 m, in the x plane (the pitch axis), 200 m lateral distance was covered and in the depth plane (the yaw axis), a maximum depth of 66 m is imaged. The inverted 3D Resistivity values generally vary from 189 - 6149 Ωm across the study area. The resistivity structures delineated from the 3D model are clayey sand and sand.
Keywords: Lithology, grid, traverse, inversion, apparent resistivity