Phytodiversity of Herbaceous Vegetation in Disturbed and Undisturbed Forest Ecosystems of Pahalgam Valley, Kashmir Himalaya, India

S. A. Shameem *

Divisions of Environmental Sciences, SKUAST-Kashmir, Shalimar, 190025, J&K, India.

Hina Mushtaq

Department of Environmental Sciences, S. P. College Srinagar, Kashmir, 190001, J&K, India.

Aijaz Ahmad Wani

Department of Environmental Sciences, S. P. College Srinagar, Kashmir, 190001, J&K, India.

Naseer Ahmad

Department of Environmental Sciences, S. P. College Srinagar, Kashmir, 190001, J&K, India.

Abdul Hai

Department of Environmental Sciences, S. P. College Srinagar, Kashmir, 190001, J&K, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The study investigated the comparative assessment of seasonal herbaceous diversity at disturbed and undisturbed forest sites at Pahalgam and Betab valley of Kashmir. The results revealed that Shannon’s diversity attained maximum value (2.238) at site I to a minimum value (0.421) at site IV during summer season. Average values of diversity (H') ranged between 1.883, site I to 0.431, site IV. Dominance index depicted inverse relationship to diversity index (H′) at different sites during different seasons. Equability values varied between (0.890) in autumn season at site II to (0.296) in winter season at site I. Average equability values varied between 0.828, site II to 0.625, site IV. Richness index showed high trend during summer season (2.83, site I) and low at site IV (0.184) in autumn season. Average variation in richness index varied between 0.516, site IV to 1.900, site I. The abundance to frequency ratio (A/F) indicated most of species performed contagious pattern of species distribution (50%-100%, site I; 62%-100%, site II; 28%-100%, site III and 100%, site IV) followed by random (11-31%, site I; 37%, site II; 33%-57% and regular (18%-30%, site I, 25% site II and 14% site III). The study revealed that biotic interference and seasonal influences have affected the species diversity and efforts are required to conserve species diversity in the selected forest sites of the study area.

Keywords: Phytodiversity, Pahalgam valley, Kashmir, forest, seasons, species

How to Cite

Shameem, S. A., Hina Mushtaq, Aijaz Ahmad Wani, Naseer Ahmad, and Abdul Hai. 2017. “Phytodiversity of Herbaceous Vegetation in Disturbed and Undisturbed Forest Ecosystems of Pahalgam Valley, Kashmir Himalaya, India”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 7 (3):148-67.