Interactive Effect of Elevated CO2 and Drought Stress on Leaf Anatomy in Brassica Species
Ranjan Das *
Department of Crop Physiology, AAU, Jorhat Assam, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The aim of present study was to understand how the ultrastructure of the leaf mesophyll cells in Brassica leaf can be altered under elevated CO2 by interactive effect of elevated CO2 on leaf anatomy and ultra structure of Brassica species under moisture stress conditions. Results of the experiment revealed that the crop genotypes differ greatly in response to elevated CO2 and moisture stress conditions. Elevated CO2 brought about an increase in cell and chloroplast expansion in Brassica genotypes. Elevated CO2 also increased the thickness of epidermis, size ofmesophyll cells, accumulation of starch and size and number of starch granules per chloroplast in Brassica juncea and Brassica juncea cultivars. These alterations in the ultra structure of cells in plants might help to plant adjustment to changing climate in the future.
Keywords: Elevated CO2, moisture stress, chloroplast, starch granule and leaf thickness