Interactive Effect of Elevated CO2 and Moisture Stress on Anatomical Configuration in Brassica Species
Ranjan Das *
Department of Crop Physiology, AAU, Jorhat Assam, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) was developed as a means to study the crops response to elevated level of CO2 under the fully open-air field conditions. In this study, results of FACE experiments are summarized by disusing the root and shoot anatomy. Result indicated that elevated Co2 significantly altered the root and shoot xylem and phloem characters such as both proto and meta xylem and phloem; vessels, character of root and shoots which are vital for the transpiration regulation, along with leaves photosynthesis as a whole. The coexistence of two ontogenetically different phloem sieve element in Brassica plant under elevated CO2 might have possibility of two different transport functions at the same time. One may be involved in supplying for the structural development (leaf size, stem girth and root volume) and other may cater the need of increased new sinks. Though these parameters were found to decrease under moisture stress condition but these impacts of stress were reduced at higher level of atmospheric CO2.
Keywords: Elevated CO2, root, phloem, xylem, moisture stress and vessel