Evaluating the Impact of Elevated Temperature on Melia dubia: Insights into Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation

Sugumaran. M.P *

Sugarcane Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Cuddalore, India.

Porkodi. G

Sugarcane Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Cuddalore, India.

Kalaichelvi. K

Sugarcane Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Cuddalore, India.

Atchaya. S

Sugarcane Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Cuddalore, India.

Thangeswari. S.

Sugarcane Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Cuddalore, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The consequences of climate change extended beyond temperature shifts, encompassing more extreme weather events, increased carbon di oxide enabling some plants to tolerate environmental stresses, and shifts in precipitation patterns,. Climate change manifests through alterations in the mean and variability of various properties, persisting for extended periods, often decades or longer, either due to natural variability or human-induced factors. The increase in green house gas emissions results from fossil fuel energy production, industrial activities, transportation, agriculture, construction, deforestation, and land-use changes. Plant height plays a pivotal role in the growth and development of plant species. Elevated temperature levels have been observed to enhance plant productivity, with variying impacts based on the growth stage and species response to the environment, independent of climate changes. Melia dubia is an economically important tree species grown throughout the world and the morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics to variying air temperature is discussed in this paper

Keywords: Impact of elevated temperature, global warming, climate change, CO2

How to Cite

Sugumaran. M.P, Porkodi. G, Kalaichelvi. K, Atchaya. S, and Thangeswari. S. 2024. “Evaluating the Impact of Elevated Temperature on Melia Dubia: Insights into Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 14 (3):139-48. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijecc/2024/v14i34026.