Effect of Application of Secondary Nutrients on Growth, Yield and Quality of Maize (Zea mays L.)

P. Srinivas *

Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Keladi Shivappa Nayaka University of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Shivamogga-577024, Karnataka, India.

H. G. Sannathimmappa

Department of Agronomy, KSNUAHS, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India.

S. Sridhara

Department of Agronomy, KSNUAHS, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India.

Sarvajna B. Salimath

Department of Soil Science and Agriculture Chemsitry, KSNUAHS, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India.

C. M. Kalleshwaraswamy

Department of Entomology, KSNUAHS, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A field experiment was conducted during Rabi 2022 at the Agriculture and Horticulture Research Station, Honnavile, Shivamogga on sandy clay loam soil to study the response of maize to secondary nutrients application. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and consisted of nine treatments replicated three times. The treatments consisted of package of practice (POP) (T1), POP + soil application of two levels of calcium, i.e., 25 and 50 kg ha-1 through lime (T2 and T3), dolomite (T4 and T5, which amount to 15.02 and 30.04 kg ha-1 of magnesium, respectively) and gypsum (T6 and T7, which amount to 19.96 and 39.91 kg ha-1 of sulphur, respectively). Treatments T8 and T9 consisted of POP + combined application of all three secondary nutrients through lime, magnesium sulphate and bentonite sulphur to meet the same level of nutrient as treatments T2 to T7. Among the treatments, application of POP + calcium @ 25 kg ha-1 through lime + 15.02 kg ha-1 of Mg + 19.6 kg ha-1 of S (T8) showed significantly higher values for growth parameters viz., plant height (196.65 cm), leaf area (4804.70 cm2), leaf area index (5.55) total dry matter (273.80 g plant-1) and yield parameters viz.,  cob length (16.93 cm), number of grains cob-1 (511.08), kernel yield (6772 kg ha-1) and stover yield (8221 kg ha-1). Similarly the same treatment recorded significantly higher grain protein content (8.99%) compared to other treatments. However the test weight, harvest index and oil content of maize remained unaffected due the applied secondary nutrients.

Keywords: Maize, secondary nutrients, calcium and magnesium, gypsum

How to Cite

Srinivas, P., H. G. Sannathimmappa, S. Sridhara, Sarvajna B. Salimath, and C. M. Kalleshwaraswamy. 2024. “Effect of Application of Secondary Nutrients on Growth, Yield and Quality of Maize (Zea Mays L.)”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 14 (3):621-29. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijecc/2024/v14i34070.