Estimates of Genetic Variability, Association Studies and Per se Performance of Tomato Genotypes for Growth and Yield Parameters Under Drought Stress Conditions

Karthik GU

Department of Biotechnology and Crop Improvement, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot, 587 104, Karnataka, India.

Lakshmidevamma TN *

Department of Biotechnology and Crop Improvement, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot, 587 104, Karnataka, India.

Mahantesha BN Naika

Department of Biotechnology and Crop Improvement, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot, 587 104, Karnataka, India.

Vilas D Gasti

Department of Vegetable Science, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot, 587 104, Karnataka, India.

Dileepkumar Masuti

Department of Biotechnology and Crop Improvement, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot, 587 104, Karnataka, India.

SG Gollagi

Department of Crop Physiology, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot, 587 104, Karnataka, India.

Sandhyarani S Nishani

Department of Biotechnology and Crop Improvement, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot, 587 104, Karnataka, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aims: Drought tolerance is a complex phenomenon, influenced by the coordinated activity of many genes. Breeding for drought tolerance is the need for contemporary research under the present climate change scenario. Further, the estimates of variability and degree of association among the traits would facilitate the selection for yield under drought conditions as it is highly influenced by environmental factors. This study aimed for the enhancement of selection capacity for drought stress tolerance in tomato based on the measures of genetic variability parameters and extent of association among traits which in turn used to identify drought tolerant genotypes.

Methodology: The experiment was conducted with 39 tomato genotypes with 2 replications under normal and drought stress condition (15 days irrigation interval) following a Randomized Block Design during summer, 2020 at Department of Biotechnology and Crop Improvement, Kittur Rani Channamma College of Horticulture, Arabhavi.

Results: High heritability along with moderate to high GAM was recorded for all the characters under study in both control and drought stress condition, indicating predominance of additive gene action for these traits. Yield per plant had positive and strong association with plant height, stem girth, number of primary branches, number of fruits per plant and average fruit weight. Further, path analysis revealed high desirable direct effect of average fruit weight and number of fruits per plant on yield per plant. Thus, there is ample of scope for improving these traits through selection. The genotypes viz., EC-634394, EC-638519 and Kashi Anupama shown superior performance for yield along with other yield attributing traits and also exhibited less percent reduction in these traits under drought condition.

Keywords: Tomato, drought, correlation, path coefficient, heritability, GAM

How to Cite

Karthik GU, Lakshmidevamma TN, Mahantesha BN Naika, Vilas D Gasti, Dileepkumar Masuti, SG Gollagi, and Sandhyarani S Nishani. 2024. “Estimates of Genetic Variability, Association Studies and Per Se Performance of Tomato Genotypes for Growth and Yield Parameters Under Drought Stress Conditions”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 14 (3):709-20.