Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Economics and Harvest Index of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) under Terai region of West Bengal
Seelothu Rakesh *
Department of Plantation Crops and Processing, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya Pundibari, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, 736165. India.
P S Medda
Department of Plantation Crops and Processing, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya Pundibari, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, 736165. India.
Babli Dutta
Department of Plantation Crops and Processing, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya Pundibari, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, 736165. India.
Arunava Ghosh
Department of Agricultural Statistics Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya Pundibari, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, 736165, India.
Surajit Khalko
Department of Plant Pathology, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya Pundibari, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, 736165, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) most widely farmed bulbous crop in the world and the second most widely cultivated Allium species after onion. The aim of the study to provide input and output per hectare. of garlic to determine the potential growth regulator. Through the application of chemical fertilizers environmental pollution through nitrate poisoning and exterminating soil micro-flora thereby, the alternatives to those problem the growth regulators play important role in economic production and cost management of garlic by employing methodology of Randomized Block Design comprising of three replications with ten treatments. The present experiment conducted on various kinds of growth regulators (Gibberellic acid (GA3) @ 50 ppm, GA3@ 100ppm, GA3@ 150 ppm, Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) @ 50 ppm, NAA@ 100 ppm, NAA@ 200ppm, Kinetin@ 10 ppm, Kinetin@ 20 ppm, Kinetin@ 40 ppm and Control (Distilled water) at the instructional and research farm of the Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Pundibari, Cooch Behar, India, during the autumn and winter seasons for two consecutive years. In view of effect of different plant growth regulators on the economics of garlic under terai region of west Bengal has observed significant variation. The result obtained that the foliar application of GA3@50 ppm generated maximum net returns (812753 Rs/ ha.) and benefit cost ratio (4.44) over other treatments. The control plots treated with distilled water was produced qualitatively inferior bulbs and generated lowest net returns (461946Rs/ha.) and benefit cost ratio (2.62). Interestingly the highest harvest index obtained under the Knetin@20 ppm (71.53) and lowest HI obtained under treatment of GA3 @100 ppm. (62.59). Based on the current experimental results, it may be concluded that foliar application of GA3 @ 50 ppm proved the best over other plant growth regulators.
Keywords: Economics, garlic, GA3, NAA, kinetin, returns