Impact of Nanofertilizers on Soil Microbial Populations

Pruthviraj N *

MWAAS, COE on Watershed Management (Reward), UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru, India.

Geetha K N

AICRP on Weed Management, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A field experiment was conducted at Zonal Agricultural Research Station, GKVK, Bengaluru during 2019 and 2020 to know the Impact of Nanofertilizers on Soil Microbial Populations. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (Factorial concept) with two factors [Factor I -Seed treatment) [Factor II (F- foliar application of nutrients at ray floret stage) with two control C1 : Recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) only and C2 : Recommended package of practices (RPP) treatments replicated thrice. In this experiment treatment seed priming with 1500 ppm nano boron nitride (Green synthesized particle) + foliar application of 600 ppm nano sulphur (GsP) + 1500 ppm nano boron nitride (Green synthesized particle) significantly recorded higher dehydrogenase enzyme (2.61 µ g TPF g-1 h-1), microbial population (13.1×105, 22.4×103, 12.5×103, 12.0×104 and 8.8×104 cfu/g of soil of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, azotobacter and PSB, respectively) but azospirillum population was found to be non significant. The same treatment also recorded higher nitrogen uptake (114.9 kg ha-1), phosphorus uptake (34.30 kg ha-1), potassium uptake (79.20 kg ha-1) plant height (270.6 cm at harvest stage) and seed yield (3588 kg ha-1) compared to other treatments.

Keywords: Nanotechnology, fertiliser, microbial activity, soil health

How to Cite

N, Pruthviraj, and Geetha K N. 2024. “Impact of Nanofertilizers on Soil Microbial Populations”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 14 (6):406-35.