Derivation of Rainfall Intensity-Duration- Frequency (IDF) Curves of Gainesville, Georgia, United States

R. Sileshi *

University of North Georgia, Gainesville, United States.

S. Panda

University of North Georgia, Gainesville, United States.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This research presents a set of Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves of Gainesville, Georgia, USA for duration of 15 minutes to 24 hours, and return periods of 2 to 100 years. The objective of this research focuses on the development of IDF curves for the Gainesville, Georgia, USA. Gumbel and Log Pearson Type III models were used to develop the IDF curves. The best rainfall model between Log Pearson III and Gumbel model for the predication of rainfall in the study area was determined for the different return periods and durations. The Gumbel and Log Pearson Type III distributions give maximum intensities of 138.17 mm/hr and 137.75 mm/hr at return period of 100 years with duration of 0.25 hours, respectively. The result of this study can be used by water resource planners and managers for the city of Gainesville, Georgia.

Keywords: IDF curves, gumbel distribution, log pearson type III distribution

How to Cite

Sileshi, R., and S. Panda. 2024. “Derivation of Rainfall Intensity-Duration- Frequency (IDF) Curves of Gainesville, Georgia, United States”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 14 (8):22-28.