Retracted: Challenges and Possibilities in the Multi-Parameter Characterization Techniques for Enhanced Monitoring of CO2 in Geological Carbon Sequestration

Luqman K. Abidoye *

Faculty of Engineering, Osun State University, P.M.B. 4494, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria.

Ilyasu Okediran

Faculty of Engineering, Osun State University, P.M.B. 4494, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria.

Kazeem O. Rabiu

Chemical Engineering Department, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, United Kingdom.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Scientific investigations and observations show that carbon dioxide is a major contributor to the increasingly damaging effects of global warming. Thus, geological sequestration of carbon dioxide in saline aquifers is already in operations across the globe. However, geological carbon sequestration in an aquifer should be safeguarded from CO2 leakage into the atmosphere and/or CO2 migration into potable water aquifers that are also present in the subsurface. To promote safety of living and non-living species that are near and far from the geological sequestration sites, this work presents techniques for monitoring the greenhouse gas stored in geological porous media, using experiments and numerical simulation techniques. The work employed two-phase flow parameters like capillary pressure (Pc), bulk electrical conductivity (σb), dielectric permittivity (εb) and their respective relationship with water saturation (S). Pc-S relationship was found to rise with increasing rate of CO2 injection while εb–S and σb-S relationships were not affected by the injection rate of CO2. Thus, it can be inferred that the εb–S and σb-S relationships will be more reliable in application to the monitoring of CO2 plume in geological carbon sequestration.  On the other hand, εb–S and σb-S relationships are found to be affected by temperature. While εb–S decreases with temperature, σb-S relationship shows opposite behavior, rising with increasing temperature. Also, in different porous media, εb–S and σb-S relationships remained higher in limestone than silica sand. Finally, the numerical simulation was used to corroborate the experimental observations in Pc-S relationship. This work draws the attention of the stakeholders in climate change mitigation to the challenges involved in risk aversion techniques that are currently in existence.


Retraction Notice: This paper has been retracted from the journal after receipt of written complains. This journal is determined to promote integrity in research publication. This retraction is in spirit of the same. After formal procedures editor(s) and publisher have retracted this paper on 5th March-2016. Related policy is available here:

Keywords: Carbon, sequestration, monitoring, silicate, carbonate.

How to Cite

K. Abidoye, Luqman, Ilyasu Okediran, and Kazeem O. Rabiu. 2015. “Retracted: Challenges and Possibilities in the Multi-Parameter Characterization Techniques for Enhanced Monitoring of CO2 in Geological Carbon Sequestration”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 5 (4):339-51.