Land Evaluation of Tribal Talukas of Bharuch District in South Gujarat, India

Patil L. M. *

KVK-Bharuch, Chaswad, India.

Patel K. G.

Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, NAU, Navsari, India.

Naik, V. R.

NAU, Navsari, India.

Pampaniya N. K.

College of Forestry, NAU, Navsari, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Climate change interrupts existing agriculture, emphasizing the need for land evaluation to assess current capacities and introduce climate-resilient alternative crops. A study was undertaken to evaluate soils of three tribal talukas viz. Jhagadia, Netrang and Valia of Bharuch district in South Gujarat during 2021-24. The total fifteen representative soil profiles were identified and excavated from various landforms based on GIS maps. Land evaluation was conducted using land capability classification, land irrigability classification and soil site suitability for existing crops and alternative crops for the study area. The study area is predominantly classified under Land Capability Class II, indicating minor limitations and covering the majority of the region. The study area also includes Class III with moderate limitations and Class IV in Netrang taluka, which faces severe limitations due to soil quality, wetness, and erosion. The study area soils were grouped under three irrigability classes with further divided into six sub-classes based on the limitation of soils and site characteristics. Soil suitability indicates high cotton potential in specific profiles, while pigeonpea and soybean shows broad suitability. Sugarcane thrives in Jhagadia and Valia, with marginal suitability in Netrang and banana is highly suitable in most of Jhagadia. Key alternative crops suitable for the study area are finger millet, castor, groundnut, green gram, cluster bean, mango, guava and Kamalam. The study advocates soil and water conservation for intensified, sustainable agriculture, proposing tree-based BAIF's Wadi model for hilly terrains.

Keywords: GIS, land capability class, soil-site suitability, wadi

How to Cite

L. M., Patil, Patel K. G., Naik, V. R., and Pampaniya N. K. 2024. “Land Evaluation of Tribal Talukas of Bharuch District in South Gujarat, India”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 14 (9):296-306.