To Assess the Impact of Insecticidal Spray on Leaf Curling Caused Due to Sucking Pest and Phytotoxic Effect of Higher Doses of Insecticides in Chilli

Deepak Thakur *

School of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University of Social Science, DR. Ambedkar Nagar (Mhow), India.

V. R. Upadhyay

School of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University of Social Science, DR. Ambedkar Nagar (Mhow), India.

Sumit Mukati

School of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University of Social Science, DR. Ambedkar Nagar (Mhow), India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The investigation was carried out at Samajik Vigyan Kendra, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Bordi, Sehore (M.P.)-INDIA during kharif 2018-19. To assess the impact of  insecticidal spray on leaf curling caused due to sucking pest and phytotoxic effect of higher doses of insecticides in chilli.The bio-efficacy of three different insecticides, namely (i) Chlorfenapyr 240 SC - spray four time with different-different doses, (ii) Fipronil 5% SC and (iii) Imidacloprid 17.8 SL. One untreated plot was also used to   investigate against leaf curl and  phytotoxic effect on chilli. Among these insecticides, Chlorfenapyr 240SC doses 288 g.a.i/hac (gram active ingredient per hactare) has least leaf curl indications (9.68%). It’s most effective  insecticides in chilli. The least impact  of leaf curl recorded in treatment T4- (9.68%) followed by T3- chlorofenapyr (11.88%),T5- Fipronil 5% SC (14.46%), T6- Imidacloprid (16.68%),  T2- chlorofenapyr (17.69%) and the most elevated twisting  in T7- untreated control (56.29). Further, the  phytotoxic effect of treatment T1 - chlorfenapyr and T2 - chlorfenapyr were connected contrasting and T3 - untreated control. In these tried portions no phytotoxic impact likes chlorosis, Epinasty, Necrosis, Scorching , wilting and hyponasty were seen at various interim of perceptions against Chilli crop. The chilli yield was also noted highest in highest dose of T4 (16.0 tonnes ha-1) followed by second highest dose of T3 (15.4 tonnes ha-1), however, it was recorded lowest in untreated control (8.0 tonnes ha-1). The C:B benefit ratio was noted higher in T5- fipronil 5% SC@ 10 g.a.i ha-1 (3.20) followed by T6- imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 50 g.a.i ha-1 (2.99). 

Keywords: Chilli, leaf curling, phytotoxic effect, hybrid, bio-efficacy.

How to Cite

Thakur, Deepak, V. R. Upadhyay, and Sumit Mukati. 2021. “To Assess the Impact of Insecticidal Spray on Leaf Curling Caused Due to Sucking Pest and Phytotoxic Effect of Higher Doses of Insecticides in Chilli”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 11 (5):138-42.