Mud Hive: An Eco-friendly Approach for Apis mellifera

Mohammad Abdul Waseem *

Department of Natural Resource Management and Conservation, Forest College and Research Institute, Mulugu, Siddipet, Telangana – 502279, India.

Jagadeesh Bathula

Department of Natural Resource Management and Conservation, Forest College and Research Institute, Mulugu, Siddipet, Telangana – 502279, India.

Sailaja. V

Department of Natural Resource Management and Conservation, Forest College and Research Institute, Mulugu, Siddipet, Telangana – 502279, India.

Bimal Kumar Sahoo

Department of Agricultural Entomology, Centre for Plant Protection Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore – 641003, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The stationary mud hive, designed as a non-transportable alternative to the BIS wooden hives, adheres to the same frame dimensions. A site with direct sunlight is chosen, and the hive is built using a mud mixture, iron planks, and standard Indian bricks (7.5 × 3.54 × 3.54 inches). A brick with a bee entry gate (6 × 2 inches) is made. The entire structure is then layered with mud, providing effective thermal insulation. After drying and sintering for strength, it holds up to 10 BIS frames. This traditional construction approach offers a reliable and environmentally sustainable alternative to modern beekeeping methods.

Keywords: Mud hive, Epic mellifera, weatherproofing, eco-friendly

How to Cite

Waseem, Mohammad Abdul, Jagadeesh Bathula, Sailaja. V, and Bimal Kumar Sahoo. 2024. “Mud Hive: An Eco-Friendly Approach for Apis Mellifera”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 14 (10):716-21.