District Level Crop Weather Calendars and Advisories for Kharif Rice in Odisha, India
Rajashree Khatua *
Department of Agricultural Meteorology, Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar-751003, Odisha, India.
A. Nanda
Department of Agricultural Meteorology, Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar-751003, Odisha, India.
A. K. B. Mohapatra
Department of Agricultural Meteorology, Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar-751003, Odisha, India.
A. Mahapatra
AICRP on Sunflower, Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, India.
V. Guhan
Indian Meteorological Department, Hyderabad, Telegana-500016, India.
P. Praveenkumar
Centre for Climate Change and Disaster management, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu-600025, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The crop weather calendar is a visual depiction of key facts about crop growth phases, typical crop water requirements, and alerts that should be sent out in response to weather that is conducive to the spread of pests and diseases. Farmers and other stakeholders may successfully plan crops, schedule irrigation, and take plant protection measures by using these calendars, which are practical and helpful tools for farmers. The crop weather calendars are prepared in different languages for better understanding to farmers and explain the usage importance and plan farm operation and activities by taking decisions as per the prevalent crop weather conditions in fields. It plays a vital role for important crops and various varieties through research & development-based process at village/ panchayat level. It also helpful for improving the quality of medium range weather forecast based on Agro-Advisory Services (AAS). The AAS provides strategies based on weather for crop and livestock management to increase production and food security. The AAS has been useful to advise farmers regarding farm operations to manage the inclement weather for effective crop production in the changing environment. The Research was carried out on the studies of crop weather calendar on Rice crop in different districts of Odisha by All India co-ordinated research project on Agrometeorology, Bhubaneswar centre with the support of Agro Meteorological Field Unit (AMFU). It has been prepared with an objective to study climate normal of past 30 years from (1993-2023). Climatic data of Rice crop in Kharif season has been taken 25th SMW to 42nd SMW for medium duration (125 days) and 26th to 49th SMW for long duration (150 days) Rice crop in both English and Odia (local) languages for the coastal districts i.e (Khordha, Puri, Kendrapada and Jagatsinghpur) of Odisha. From the crop weather calendar the medium duration of rice crop, it was found that for sowing to seeding the mean temperature is 290C, before the transplanting and the water requirement of 670-690 mm is found congenial for better yield of the crop. The growth of the crops severely affected where the temperature falls below 200C, for high yielding of Rice crop during the kharif season the favourable weather conditions are Tmax: 300C, Tmin: 260C, Rainfall: 78 mm to 110 mm during the 29th to 30th week with RH 87%. For the pest likes stem borer and leaf folder the congenial weather conditions are Temperature :20 to 300C, RH:87%, Wind speed (Km/h) <5 and Rainfall: 00-30 mm. Similarly for Blast and BLB diseases, the favourable conditions during the 28th-31st week to 48th week, when the temperature range 20-300C, RH=> 90 %, Wind speed < 5 (Km/h) RH:30-50%. It has been found that the severity of pest and diseases increases with decreases in temperature and High RH and very low rainfall.
Keywords: Crop weather calendar, rice, long duration, medium duration, AMFU & agro advisory services (AAS)