Optimization of Briquetting Process Parameters for Rice Straw Biofuels
Lokesh Kumar Meena *
Division of Environment Science, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-110012, India.
Renu Singh
Division of Environment Science, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-110012, India.
Anik Chandel
Division of Environment Science, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-110012, India.
Sohan Singh Saini
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, RBS College Bichpuri, Agra-283105, India.
Krishnavatar Gocher
Department of plant breeding and Genetics, SKNAU Jobner, Jaipur-303329, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The optimization of briquetting process parameters for producing biofuels from rice straw, a widely available agricultural waste. By systematically varying key parameters such as pressure, temperature, and moisture content, we aimed to enhance the physical and thermal properties of the briquettes. Through experimental design and statistical analysis, we identified optimal conditions to maximize briquette density and calorific value while minimizing ash content. The findings show that optimized briquetting greatly enhances the efficiency and potential of rice straw as a renewable energy source, providing a sustainable alternative to traditional fuels. This research contributes to advancing biofuel production technologies and promoting the utilization of agricultural waste for energy generation. Briquetting technology has great potential to transform waste biomass in affordable, effective and environmentally safe, high-quality solid fuel for households and industry use. This study focuses on optimizing the briquetting process for rice straw to enhance its quality as a biofuel. Key parameters, including compaction pressure, moisture content, binding agent type, and particle size, were systematically varied to improve density, durability, hardness, calorific value, and reduce ash content. Results indicate significant improvements in briquette performance, with calorific values increasing to 17.5 MJ/kg and ash content reducing to 4%. Optimized briquettes offer enhanced mechanical strength and combustion efficiency, positioning rice straw briquettes as a viable, eco-friendly alternative to traditional fossil fuels, contributing to sustainable energy and agricultural residue management.
Keywords: Optimization, briquette, experimental design, statistical analysis, conventional fuel