Assessment of Dynamic Land System in Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve Using MODIS Derived Temporal Data Sets during 2001 to 2018
K. Srinivasan *
Department of Natural Resource Management, College of Forestry, KAU, India.
Sebastian Anand
Centre for Geoinformatics, Natural Resource Management Division, IRTC, India.
H. Bilyaminu
Department of Natural Resource Management, College of Forestry, KAU, India and Department of Forestry and Wildlife, Kano University of Science and Technology, Wudil, Nigeria.
S. Haritha
Centre for Geoinformatics, Natural Resource Management Division, IRTC, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve (NBR) is one of the largest protected ecologically sensitive areas in India. This study examined the land use/land cover (LULC) changes in NBR for past 18 years from 2001 to 2018 to figure out the LULC changed within a protected area using datasets in 2001, 2010, and 2018 with the help of pertinent geospatial techniques. MODIS Land Cover Type Product (MCD12Q1) accuracy was quantitatively analyzed based on ground truth data and Google Earth imagery. Validation of data were assessed using and overall 635 locations for its accuracy assessment. The obtained kappa coefficient of 0.75, denotes the classification has moderate accuracy. The results showed that in the past 18 years, woody savannas and grasslands were reduced by 299.47 and 155.32 respectively. The areas of croplands and cropland/natural vegetation mosaics were also increased by 34.84 and 54.41, respectively. These results showed anthropogenic influences through agricultural practices within the NBR buffer zones. The mixed forests were increased by 266.01 One of the significant changes was seen in closed shrublands, which were absent in 2018, that covered 1.50 in 2001. In addition, A gradual decrease in the area were noticed in woody savannas. From the outcomes, it is recommended that the LULC classes that cover minimal area may be unstable, so measures should be taken for their conservation. The study proved the usefulness of MODIS land cover type data in monitoring large areas periodically for quick decision-making.
Keywords: MODIS, Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve (NBR), geospatial technology, LULC, change detection, Kappa statistics