Impact of Weather Variables on Phenophase and Yield of Kharif Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Central Zone of Kerala

Chandana B. Jyothi *

Department of Agricultural meteorology, College of Agriculture Vellanikkara, KAU, Thrissur, India.

P. Lincy Davis

Department of Agricultural meteorology, College of Agriculture Vellanikkara, KAU, Thrissur, India.

B. Ajithkumar

Department of Agricultural meteorology, College of Agriculture Vellanikkara, KAU, Thrissur, India.

A. Latha

Agricultural Research Station, Mannuthy, KAU, Thrissur, India.

Sajitha Vijayan. M.

Department of Agricultural statistics, College of Agriculture Vellanikkara, KAU, Thrissur, India.

Arjun Vysakh

Department of Agricultural meteorology, College of Agriculture Vellanikkara, KAU, Thrissur, India.

Riya K. R

Department of Agricultural meteorology, College of Agriculture Vellanikkara, KAU, Thrissur, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Rice is the most commonly consumed crop worldwide, serving as a staple food for almost half of the global population. A field experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Research Station, Mannuthy, Kerala Agricultural University, Kerala during kharif season 2023 to assess the impact of weather variables on the growth, development and yield of two short-duration rice varieties, Jyothi and Manuratna. The study revealed that the duration of phenophases varied significantly depending on planting dates and weather conditions. Jyothi variety took longer duration to reach physiological maturity compared to Manuratna. Maximum and minimum temperatures during active tillering to panicle initiation (P2) and heading to 50% flowering (P5) stages had a negative influence on phenophase duration for both varieties, while rainfall positively impacted the duration of active tillering (P1) and physiological maturity (P6). Grain yield varied significantly with planting dates. The higher temperatures during critical growth phases have resulted in reduced yield. Bright sunshine hour positively influenced the yield during 50% flowering to physiological maturity in Manuratna.

Keywords: Weather parameters, kharif rice, phenophase, yield, critical growth phases

How to Cite

Jyothi, Chandana B., P. Lincy Davis, B. Ajithkumar, A. Latha, Sajitha Vijayan. M., Arjun Vysakh, and Riya K. R. 2024. “Impact of Weather Variables on Phenophase and Yield of Kharif Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) in Central Zone of Kerala”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 14 (12):800-808.