Influence of Levels of Phosphorus and Molybdenum Seed Treatment on Root Growth of Soybean in Vertisols of Telangana, India
Firdoz Shahana *
Department of Agronomy, PJTSAU, India.
Department of Agronomy, PJTSAU, India.
Department of Agronomy, IIOR, India.
Department of Microbiology, PJTSAU, India.
T.Prabhakar Reddy
Department of Soil Science, PJTSAU, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Field experiment was conducted during 2018-19 & 2019-20 at the Regional Sugarcane and Rice Research Station, Rudrur, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agriculture University situated at an altitude of 286.3m above mean sea level (MSL) at 180 49’41’ latitude and 78056’45” E longitude, (PJTSAU). The experiment consisted of 16 treatments viz., four levels of phosphorus (0, 30 60, and 90 kg P2O5 ha-1) and four levels of seed treatment with molybdenum (0, 2, 4 and 6 g kg-1 seed) laid out in a randomized block design with factorial concept and replicated thrice. Perusal of mean results of two years indicated phosphorus nutrition of 90 kg P2O5 ha-1 13.41 cm,20.80cm and 24.38cm at 15,30 and 45 DAS over other levels of phosphorus. Highest root length of 11.76cm,19.19cm and 22.35cm was observed with Mo seed treatment @ 6g kg-1seed Interaction effect of different P levels and Mo seed treatment on root volume of soybean was significant at 15,30 and 45 DAS. At 15 and 30 DAS.Phosphorus fertilization with 90kg P2O5 ha-1 with all the levels of Mo seed treatment registered statistically similar root volume with maximum value observed with 4g (2.26 and 5.56 cm3) followed byb6g (2.24 and5.48 cm3)and 2g (2.24 and 5.42 cm3 )kg-1 seed while at 45 DAS 90kg P2O5 ha-1along with Mo seed treatment . Interaction of various phosphorus nutrition levels and Mo seed treatment on root dry weight of soybean indicated that application of 90 kg P2O5 ha-1 along with Mo seed treatment of 4 g kg-1 seed was effective with maximum root dry weight of (1.67,5.34 and 6.86 g plant-1) on par with Mo seed treatment of 6 g kg-1 seed at same level of phosphorus nutrition(1.64,5.25 and 6.69 g plant-1) over other treatments at 15,30 and 45 DAS.
Keywords: Phosphorus, molybdenum, root length, root volume, root dry weight