Effect of Vermicompost Enriched with Biofertilizers, Bioagents and Micronutrients on Growth and Yield of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

Sarika Donga *

Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat-362001, India.

R. K. Mathukia

Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat-362001, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aims: To study the response of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to vermicompost enriched with biofertilizers, bioagents and micronutrients.

Study Design: Field experiment was conducted at Junagadh (Gujarat) with ten treatments comprising of vermicompost enriched with biofertilizers, bioagents and micronutrients viz., Absolute Control (T1), 100% Recommended dose of fertilizers (T2), Vermicompost 2 t/ha (T3), Vermicompost 2 t/ha + Biofertilizers (Rhizobium Bradyrhizobium japonicum + Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria Bacillus subtilis + Potash Solubilizing Bacteria Frateuria aurantia each at 2 L/ha) (T4), Vermicompost 2 t/ha + Trichoderma harzianum 3 kg/ha + Pseudomonas fluorescens 3 L/ha (T5), Vermicompost 2 t/ha + Beauveria bassiana 3 kg/ha (T6), Vermicompost 2 t/ha + Biofertilizers (Rhizobium + Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria + Potash Solubilizing Bacteria each 2 L/ha) + Trichoderma harzianum 3 kg/ha + Pseudomonas fluorescens 3 L/ha + Beauveria bassiana 3 kg/ha (T7), Micronutrients (Fe + Zn + Cu + Mn) Grade-V at 40 kg/ha (T8), Vermicompost 2 t/ha + Micronutrients (Fe + Zn + Cu + Mn) Grade-V at 40 kg/ha (T9) and Vermicompost 2 t/ha + Biofertilizers (Rhizobium + Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria + Potash Solubilizing Bacteria each 2 L/ha) + Trichoderma harzianum 3 kg/ha + Pseudomonas fluorescens 3 L/ha + Beauveria bassiana 3 kg/ha + Micronutrients (Fe + Zn + Cu + Mn) Grade-V at 40 kg/ha (T10) in Randomized Block Design with three replications.

Place and Duration of the Study: Instructional Farm, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh (Gujarat) during kharif seasons of 2019 and 2020.

Methodology: Five plants were selected randomly from each net experimental plot and tagged. Growth parameters viz., plant height, number of branches, SPAD meter reading and number of root nodules, and yield attributes viz., number of mature pods per plant and pods weight per plant were recorded from that tagged plants and their average was considered for final record. Pod yield and haulm yield were recorded from net plot size of each experiment plot and converted in to hectare base. Shelling percentage was counted on the basis of 150 g pod sample taken randomly from net plot produce.

Results: The results indicated that the highest plant height (35.64 cm), number of branches per plant (8.11), number of root nodules per plant (154.5) at 45 days after sowing (DAS), dry weight of root nodules per plant at 45 DAS (0.982 g), Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) meter reading at 45 DAS (39.09), number of mature pods per plant (18.40), pod weight per plant (15.37 g), 100-kernel weight (44.08 g) and shelling percentage (73.16%) with the highest pod yield (2.305 t/ha) and haulm yield (3.889 t/ha) were achieved by application of Vermicompost 2 t/ha + Biofertilizers (Rhizobium + Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria + Potash Solubilizing Bacteria each 2 L/ha) + Trichoderma harzianum 3 kg/ha + Pseudomonas fluorescens 3 L/ha + Beauveria bassiana 3 kg/ha + Micronutrients (Fe + Zn + Cu + Mn) Grade-V at 40 kg/ha, which is considered the more effective application among all treatments improves growth, pod and haulm yield of groundnut under clay soil conditions.

Keywords: Groundnut, enriched vermicompost, biofertilizers, bioagents, micronutrients

How to Cite

Donga, Sarika, and R. K. Mathukia. 2021. “Effect of Vermicompost Enriched With Biofertilizers, Bioagents and Micronutrients on Growth and Yield of Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.)”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 11 (7):52-58. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijecc/2021/v11i730439.