Performance Evaluation of DBSKKV Developed Fruit harvesters for Matured Nutmeg Harvesting

A. A. Pachangane *

Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, DR. BSKKV Dapoli, (415712), India.

K. G. Dhande

Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, DR. BSKKV Dapoli, (415712), India.

V. S. Nalawade

Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, DR. BSKKV Dapoli, (415712), India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) is an important tree spice which produces two different spices. Harvesting should be done at proper stage of maturity in order to maintain their nutrients level as attaining desirable quality. Presently, the method adopted for harvesting nutmeg in Konkan region is done manually. The DBSKKV, Dapoli has developed four different fruit harvesters. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the field performance and check feasibility for harvesting of matured Nutmeg fruits with DBSKKV, Dapoli developed fruit harvesters. The performance of the DBSKKV developed fruit harvesters for matured Nutmeg fruit were evaluated in terms of harvesting capacity (kg/h), damage fruit per cent, total harvesting time (h), labour requirement and economics of Nutmeg harvesting. The average harvesting capacity of Naveen Mango harvester, Nutan Mango harvester, Atul Sapota harvester and Multi fruit harvester foe matured Nutmeg harvesting was found to be 51.33 Nos./h (2.79 kg/h), 61 Nos./h (2.78 kg/h), 51.33 Nos./h (2.92 kg/h) and 144.66 nos./h (5.63 kg/h) respectively. The average damage fruit per cent for Naveen Mango harvester, Nutan Mango harvester, Atul Sapota harvester and Multi fruit harvester for matured                      Nutmeg harvesting were found to be 25.73%, 25.79%, 17.02% and 7.76% respectively. The cost of operation of Naveen Mango harvester, Nutan Mango harvester, Atul Saopta harvester and Multi fruit harvester for matured Nutmeg harvesting was found to be Rs 18.21/kg, Rs 18.44/kg, Rs 17.53/kg and Rs 9.01/kg respectively. Among the evaluated DBSKKV, Dapoli fruit harvesters for matured Nutmeg harvesting, Multi fruit harvester perform better with minimum damage of fruits.

Keywords: Nutmeg, fruit harvesters, performance evaluation, cost economics

How to Cite

Pachangane, A. A., K. G. Dhande, and V. S. Nalawade. 2021. “Performance Evaluation of DBSKKV Developed Fruit Harvesters for Matured Nutmeg Harvesting”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 11 (7):125-32.