Pyro Geography and Indian Quest during Anthropocene to COVID-19
Siba Prasad Mishra *
Civil Engineering Department, Centurion University of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Taming fire by homosapiens was one of the foremost technological advancement in the history of evolution. The homosapiens tried to tame the wild fire by locating, preserving, using as tools for hunt game, food preparation, rituals and religion, and protecting them from predators. The modern men in Anthropocene in Pyroxene period, the fire have been used for domestic, industrial, and pioneering researches to concur the earth. The type of ignition to our vast deciduous forests can be natural, accidental, out of negligence, deliberate, incendiary, agriculture purposes, resource collection, and at times cultural. Present assessment embraces the changes that occurred in the wildfire due to weather-related and anthropogenic ignited. The wild fire deaths in towns, factories and mines have been reduced for the last six years. But during the pandemic COVID-19 under the locks, shutdowns and curfews, the numbers of crowdie and industrial fires in India has abridged, but dependence on forest products for livelihood by the aboriginal people and global warming had increased numbers of forest fire in India. There are also increased electrocution fatalities in different hospitals in India due to oxygen enriched surroundings during the present Pandemic.
Keywords: Anthropocene, electrical fire hazard, GIS, pyrocene, similipal forest, wildfires