Characterisation and Prioritization of Micro Watersheds Using Geospatial Techniques: A Case Study on river Bharathapuzha, Kerala
Md. Majeed Pasha *
Department of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, KCAET, Tavanur, Kerala, India.
K. K. Sathian
Department of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, KCAET, Tavanur, Kerala, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Watershed based interventions are essential for the sustainable land and water management of any region. Watershed prioritisation is a must for the efficient utilisation of available monetary and human resources. One of the most common means of prioritisation is through morphometric analysis as hydrological processes or watershed responses depend on morphometric characteristics of the watersheds. The study contains morphometric analysis of a few number of micro watersheds of river Bharathapuzha of Kerala state. With the help of ArcGIS software and SRTM DEM, all the basic morphometric characteristics and derived morphometric characteristics of 10 micro watersheds are determined and then scores are assigned to the parameters. Finally, combined parameter scores are determined and ranking of each micro watershed is done. The priority scores between watersheds show considerable variation which is an indication of the efficacy of the methods employed. Once the ranking of the micro watersheds are done objectively and scientifically it would be a great support to the soil and water conservationist and planners. This study gives an insight into the applicability of the method to a mid land region in the state of Kerala, India.
Keywords: Watershed, morphometric analysis, prioritisation and geospatial techniques