Influence of Rain Water Recharging on the Chemical Properties of Groundwater
N. Soundarya *
Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India.
H. G. Ashoka
Directorate of Research, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India.
K. Devaraja
AICRP on Dryland Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India.
K. S. Rajashekarappa
University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India.
M. N. Thimmegowda
AICRP on Dryland Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The study was conducted to analyze the impact of different seasons and sources of rainwater (rooftop runoff and runoff plots) used in recharging borewells on chemical properties of groundwater. There were nine borewells considered for the study, among them five borewells are recharged through rooftop runoff water, two borewells are recharged through water from runoff plots and the two borewells have no treatments. After each runoff event, water samples from each borewell were collected for five days and analyzed for various chemical parameters. The electrical conductivity, pH and concentration of bicarbonate ions were analyzed. The result revealed that the recharge that took place during the Kharif season had an impact through reduced salt concentration and it also had an influence during the Rabi season. The electrical conductivity and concentration of bicarbonates in water samples from borewells was low in Kharif than rabi. The values of these chemical properties indicated that recharging of borewells is having the beneficial effect on the groundwater properties.
Keywords: Rainwater harvesting, groundwater, recharge, chemical properties