Evaluation of Blackgram [(Vigna mungo (L)] Genotypes for Saline Tolerance at Seedling Stage Using Sea Water

Mukul Kumar Gandhi

Department of Agricultural Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, RPCAU,Pusa Bihar-848125, India.

Abhay Kumar *

Department of Agricultural Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, RPCAU,Pusa Bihar-848125, India.

G. V. Marviya

Departement of Biotechnology, College of Agriculture, J. A. U., Junagadh Gujrat- 362001, India.

Prasenjit Paul

Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, RPCAU, Pusa Bihar-848125, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Blackgram is one of the most highly prized pulse crops, cultivated in almost all parts of India.Soil salinity is one ofthe major factors responsible for losses in agriculturalproduction in most of the arid and semi-arid regions in theworld leading to loss in yield. The experiment was maintained for 10 days and all the observations from the seedlings namely germination percentage, shoot length, root length, dry matter production, vigour index I and vigour index II were recorded from each replicate and mean was worked out.On the basis of physiological parameters, the blackgram genotypes were discriminated into tolerant, moderate and sensitive to salinity.Germination per cent decreased by 85.5%, root length reduced by 75.68%, shoot length reduced by 61.73% while seedling length decreased by 22.30% in T4 treatment as compared to the T1 (control) treatment among all the blackgram genotypes. Seedling dry weight reduced by 40.04 folds in T4 treatment as compared to the T1 (control) treatment. Looking to the vigour index, seedling vigour index-I (length basis) and seedling vigour index-II (Dry weight basis) decreased by 0.03 and 1.18 folds, respectively. Out of 20 genotypes, four genotypes viz., IC-204869, TPU-94-2, IC-21485, and IC-214844 were found to be tolerant to salinity. thirteengenotypes were found to be moderately tolerant and three genotype viz.,SKNU-03-03, SKNU-0703, and SKNU-06-03 are sensitive to salinity.

Keywords: Blackgram, salinity, saline tolerance, sea water

How to Cite

Gandhi, Mukul Kumar, Abhay Kumar, G. V. Marviya, and Prasenjit Paul. 2021. “Evaluation of Blackgram [(Vigna Mungo (L)] Genotypes for Saline Tolerance at Seedling Stage Using Sea Water”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 11 (10):136-45. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijecc/2021/v11i1030501.