Studies on Integrated Nutrient Management of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata l.): A Review
Bimesh Dahal
Soil Science and Agriculture Chemistry, Lovely Professional University, Jalanadhar, Punjab, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
There are many management methods for nutrient which can be specifically applied in farming systems. Integrated nutrient management (INM) generally denotes the combined use of organic and chemical fertilizers for producing crops in a sustainable manner and to maintain soil fertility as well as to supply nutrient in appropriate amount which consider social, ecological and economic impacts. This paper shows the importance and need of INM in agriculture production. Also, the relation of INM and yield attributes are analyzed and evaluated including growth and physical attributes of cowpea. The status of nutrient uptake by plant is also described along with other physical and chemical properties of soil. Finally, this paper also describes about the biofertilizer and its relation, impact and effect on crop production which can be used as a improved technology with the combination of other nutrient management practices.
Keywords: INM, organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer, Biofertilizer, Cowpea