Influence of Farmyard Manure and Jeevamrutha on Growth and Yield of Sunflower
M. Chaithra *
Department of Agronomy, GKVK, UAS Bengaluru, India.
G. M. Sujith
AICRP on Sunflower, GKVK, Bengaluru, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
A field experiment was conducted during Kharif 2017 at ZARS, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru to study the influence of different levels of Farm Yard Manure (FYM) and Jeevamrutha on growth and yield of Sunflower in red sandy loam soil. There were nine treatment combinations laid out in factorial randomized complete block design, which were replicated thrice. The experimental results revealed that, the application of FYM at 150 per cent nitrogen equivalent and jeevamrutha at 1500 L ha-1significantly influenced growth parameters like plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, leaf area index and total dry matter production. The interaction effect of FYM and jeevamrutha was significant in enhancing the seed yield of sunflower due to improvement in yield attributes like head diameter, number of seeds per head, hundred seed weight and seed yield per plant.
Keywords: Manure, jeevamrutha, sunflower, growth yield and economics