Scale To Measure the Attitude of Perennial Crop Farmers towards Climate Change in Tamil Nadu

D. Bharath *

Department of Agricultural Extension & Rural Sociology, AC&RI, Madurai, India.

R. Velusamy

Department of Agricultural Extension & Rural Sociology, AC&RI, Madurai, India.

J. Pushpa

Department of Extension Education and Communication Management, CSC&RI, Madurai, India.

K. Prabakaran

Department of Social Science, AC&RI Killikulam, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The degree of positive or negative affect associated with a psychological object is referred to as attitude. Any symbol, phrase, slogan, person, institution, idea or ideal toward which people could differ in terms of positive or negative influence can be used as a psychological object. Attitude scale provides a quantitative assessment of attitudes, views, or values by summarizing numerical scores assigned by researchers to people's replies to sets of statements investigating different aspects of a central subject. The objective of this research was to construct and standardize the same. A scale measuring the attitude of perennial crop farmers towards climate change in Tamil Nadu is developed. One hundred possible statements were prepared to assess the perennial crop farmers attitude towards climate change using the five-point continuum. The S-value and Q-value of each statement were found. The scale was developed using the equal appearing interval method, which comprises of 10 statements (four positive and six negative).

Keywords: Attitude, climate change, perennial crops, Q and S value, statements.

How to Cite

Bharath, D., R. Velusamy, J. Pushpa, and K. Prabakaran. 2021. “Scale To Measure the Attitude of Perennial Crop Farmers towards Climate Change in Tamil Nadu”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 11 (12):291-98.