Impact of Different Fertilizer Sources on Nutrient Uptake in Coriander for Kymore Platueau and Satpura Hills of Madhya Pradesh
Ashwini Dadiga
Department of Horticulture (Vegetable Science), Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur-482004 (Madhya Pradesh), India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Coriander is an important spice crop grown through out the world. As organic manures tend to reduce the cost of cultivation and supplement the crop with essential nutrients for growth and development of the plant hence the present study the effect of different fertilizers and their doses on nutrient uptake in coriander variety JD-1 was conducted at Horticulture complex, Department of Horticulture, JNKVV, Jabalpur (M.P.) in the year 2011-2012. The experiment consisted of 12 treatments. Viz fertility levels 100% RDF (Recommended dose of fertilizers) (N50P30K60 kg ha-ˡ) and 50% RDF (N25P15K30 kg ha-ˡ) in combinations with organic manures Viz FYM (Farm yard manure) 20 tonnes/ha-ˡ and 10 tonnes/ha-ˡ, Poultry manure 5 tonnes/ha-ˡ and 2.5 tonnes/ha-ˡ, Vermicompost 5 tonnes/ha-ˡ and 2.5 tonnes/ha-ˡ. Among the organic manures, the maximum nitrogen uptake (47.47 kg ha-1) was observed in poultry manure 5 t ha -1,while the minimum nitrogen uptake (34.08 kg ha-1) in FYM 10 t ha -1.The maximum phosphorus uptake (31.63 kg ha-1) was found in poultry manure 5 t ha -1, while it was minimum (26.20 kg ha-1) in vermicompost 2.5 t ha -1. Potassium uptake was maximum (16.11kg ha-1) in vermicompost 5 t ha -1, while it was minimum (15. 19 kg ha-1) in FYM 10 t ha -1. With regard to fertilizer levels maximum nitrogen (43.91 kg ha-1), phosphorus (30.92 kg ha-1), and potash (15.92 kg ha-1 ) uptake was found with 100% RDF. While it was minimum (37.16 kg ha-1, 26.10 kg ha-1 and 15.13 kg ha-1 respectively) with 50% RDF. In case of interaction effect, the maximum nitrogen (51.96 kg ha-1 ) and phosphorous (34.90 kg ha-1) uptake was in treatment T5 (Poultry manure 5 t ha -1 + 100% RDF) while maximum potassium uptake (16.48 kg ha-1) was found in T9 (Vermicompost 5 t ha -1+ 100% RDF). However, the lowest (14.76 kg ha-1) potassium uptake was found with treatment T4 (FYM 10 t ha -1 + 50% RDF). Hence it is concluded that maxium nutrient uptake is noticed in treatment consisting of Poultry manure 5 t ha -1 along with 100% RDF as compared to other treatments in coriander JD-1.
Keywords: Nutrient uptake, coriander, organic manures, fertilizers