The Importance of Remote Sensing in Monitoring Vegetation Parameters in an Area with a Fragile Balance

Vîrtan (Roșca) Florina Cristina *

Faculty of Geography, Babeş-Bolyai University, 5-7, Clinicilor Street, Cluj-Napoca-400006, Cluj, Romania and Faculty of Geography, Centre for Regional Geography, Babeş-Bolyai University, 5-7, Clinicilor Street, Cluj-Napoca-400006, Cluj, Romania.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The purpose of this study is to highlight the state of vegetation cover of a territory with fragile balance (sandy) and to present using the remote sensing techniques the correspondance degree between non-climatic parameters that can be underlined by remote sensing techniques and GIS. The present study is based on previous research in which there were obtained very accurate results.

Keywords: Remote Sensing, vegetation, spatial information, water index

How to Cite

Florina Cristina, Vîrtan (Roșca). 2022. “The Importance of Remote Sensing in Monitoring Vegetation Parameters in an Area With a Fragile Balance”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 12 (3):23-32.