Effect of Macronutrient Levels, Micronutrient Mixture and Humic Acid on Yield and Economics of Kharif Maize

Mukkamalla Hari Sudhan Reddy

Department of Agronomy, School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional University, Punjab-144411, India.

Saikat Biswas *

Department of Agronomy, School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional University, Punjab-144411, India.

Gritta Elizabeth Jolly

Department of Agronomy, School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional University, Punjab-144411, India

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Background: Cultivation of Maize, a highly productive and profitable crop, requires standardization of macronutrients, micronutrients and organic nutrition.

Objective: Research was planned with the objective to enhance the yield and profit of kharif maize by agronomic fortification through macronutrients, micronutrient mixture and humic acid.

Method: The field experiment was conducted at agricultural farm, Lovely Professional University, Punjab in randomized block design with 10 nutrient management treatments ((T0: control (100% RDF), T1: T0 +soil application of micronutrient mixture (MM) @10kg/ha, T2: T0+ foliar application of MM @1%, T3: T0+ seed priming with MM @1%, T4: 75% RDF+ soil application of MM@10kg/ha, T5: 75% RDF+ foliar application of MM@1%, T6: 75% RDF+ seed priming with MM @1%, T7: T4+ humic acid @1%, T8: T5+humic acid @1% at 30 days after sowing (DAS), T9: T6+ foliar application of humic acid@1% at 30 DAS). 

Results: Among various macronutrients, micronutrient mixture and humic acid   combinations, T8 treatment recorded relatively higher yield attributes like cobs/plant (1.18), cob length (18.8 cm), cob girth (17.6 cm), cob weight with (143.80 g) or without (132.56 g) husk, grains row/cob (14.1), grains/row (26.8), 100 grains weight (27.1 g), grain yield (7.83 t/ha), stover yield (10.13 t/ha) and harvest index (43.61%), which was remained statistically similar by T7 treatment. Production economics further, revealed that T8 treatment was the most profitable (net return:  ₹ 1,02,253/ha and B:C: 2.78) and therefore, can be recommended for kharif maize cultivation in Punjab.

Keywords: Economics, humic acid, macronutrients, maize, micronutrient mixture, yield

How to Cite

Hari Sudhan Reddy, Mukkamalla, Saikat Biswas, and Gritta Elizabeth Jolly. 2022. “Effect of Macronutrient Levels, Micronutrient Mixture and Humic Acid on Yield and Economics of Kharif Maize”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 12 (6):24-32. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijecc/2022/v12i630683.