Influence of Dates of Sowing and Planting Geometry on Yield, Nutrient Uptake and Economics of Baby Corn
Rinjumoni Dutta *
Department of Agronomy, Assam Agricultural University, India.
Dibya Jiban Panda
Department of Agronomy, Assam Agricultural University, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
During the summer season of 2018, a field experiment was conducted at Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat. The treatments consisted of four date of sowing viz., 20th February (D1), 2nd March (D2), 12th March (D3) and 22nd March (D4) in main plot and four planting geometry practices viz., 40 cm x 20 cm (S1), 40 cm x 25 cm (S2), 45 cm x 20 cm (S3) and 45 cm x 25 cm (S4), in sub-plot with three replications. The results revealed that 2nd March sowing recorded higher plant height, number of cobs per plant, weight of cob, cob yield and fodder yield which was at par with 12th March sowing and significantly higher than other sowing dates. Similar effects of these treatments were also observed in respect to N, P, K uptake and economics. Among the different planting geometry, yield of cob without husk and fodder yield, gross return and net return were found to be higher under spacing 45 cm x 20 cm as compared to others. Total N, P and K uptake were also found to be higher under 45 cm x 20 cm spacing than rest of the planting geometry. Planting geometry had non-significant effect on available N,P2O5 and K2O status of soil after harvest of the crop.
Keywords: Baby corn, planting geometry, dates of sowing, yield, nutrient uptake