Study of Correlations and Path Evaluations to Find Yield Contributing Characters in Chickpea Genotypes

Prasenjit Paul *

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Post Graduate Institute, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri-413722, Maharashtra, India.

S. S. Patil

Cotton Breeder, Oilseed Research Station Jalgaon, Jalgaon-425001, Maharashtra, India.

N. Manojkumar

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Post Graduate Institute, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri-413722, Maharashtra, India.

Mukul Kumar Gandhi

Department of Agricultural Biotechnology & Molecular Biology, College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, Pusa-848125, Bihar, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


One of the most critical parts of any crop breeding effort is the identification of potent parents with specific yield-contributing features. In Rabi 2018-19, the Pulses improvement project, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidhyapeeth (MPKV), Rahuri, Maharashtra, India, performed a study with thirty-three chickpea genotypes (along with three checks) in a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two replications. Each plot was made up of a single 4-meter-long row with a 30 × 10 centimetre spacing. Seed yield per plant exhibited a high significant positive correlation with the number of pods per plant, plant spread, plant height, and the number of secondary branches per plant, according to correlation studies. 100 seed weight showed high significant positive correlation with plant height and significant negative correlation with no of seeds per pod. Path coefficient analysis exposed that days to 50% flowering, no of primary branches per plant, no of secondary branches per plant, plant height and no of pods per plant had positive direct effect on seed yield per plant. Days to maturity, plant spread, no of seeds per pod and 100 seed weight showed negative direct effect on seed yield per plant (Table 3). The number of pods per plant, the number of secondary branches per plant, and the height of the plant all demonstrated a positive and significant relationship with seed yield per plant, as well as having direct positive effects. As a result, these characters could be considered for improving chickpea yield.

Keywords: Chickpea, correlation analysis, analysis of path coefficient, seed yield

How to Cite

Paul, Prasenjit, S. S. Patil, N. Manojkumar, and Mukul Kumar Gandhi. 2022. “Study of Correlations and Path Evaluations to Find Yield Contributing Characters in Chickpea Genotypes”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 12 (8):83-90.