Implications of Adaptation Strategies to Climate Variability on Small-Scale Coffee Production in Kirinyaga County, Kenya
Edwin K. Murimi *
Environmental Sciences and Education, Kenyatta University, Kenya.
Benson K. Mburu
Environmental Sciences and Education, Kenyatta University, Kenya.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Coffee farming constitutes a substantial source of income to a significant fraction of ménages across the globe, Kenya being one. The impact of climate variability on coffee farming is negative. Small-scale coffee farmers in Mukure ward, Kirinyaga have not adequately assumed appropriate adaptation strategies to enhance resilience against this challenge. The purpose of the research was to evaluate climate variability, how it relates with coffee farming and to determine the effects of adaptation strategies for resilience against climate variability by small-scale coffee farmers in Mukure ward. The study area was Mukure ward within Kirinyaga County with a total population of 30,534. Primary data was collected using questionnaires, conducting interviews among selected respondents and field observations. Data on temperature and precipitation trends was accessed from the local Kenya Meteorological Department offices while data on coffee farming was provided by Kirinyaga County Government. The raw data from the field was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and spreadsheets that then generated tables, comparative graphs and frequencies. The findings from this study indicated that small-scale coffee farmers in Mukure Ward experienced climate variability in the period 1987-2017. The study concluded that small-scale coffee farmers in Mukure ward were facing climate variability, and had devised different adaptation mechanisms which were on the other hand faced by myriad of challenges. Going by the findings of the study, with the fluctuations in temperature and rainfall patterns, there is an absolute need to create awareness among small scale-coffee farmers on climate variability, weather forecast and appropriate adaptation strategies.
Keywords: Climate variability, adaptation strategies, vulnerability