As Climate Change Responds with Terrifying Brutalities

Nura Jibo MRICS *

African Climate Change Research Centre, United Nations Climate Observer Organization, Third Floor, Block B, New Secretariat Complex, Dutse, Jigawa State, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Introduction: The lip service in tackling the climate change issues five years after the famous Paris Agreement on climate change is quite unwholesome to individual countries' pledges and promises that were made on reducing global carbon emissions at Le Bourget, France. The attempt to limit the global mean temperature to 1.50 Celsius preindustrial level has even resulted in warming the climate more than anticipated [1]. The bulk of the climate change adaptation and mitigation effort(s) have, generally, ended up in a tragic fiasco. The rise in sea level and temperature overshoot carry substantial and enormous risks and uncertainties that have caused the entire humanity to head towards an irreversible crossing tipping point [2].  For example, the year 2020 horrible flooding; animal and plant species extinction; coral reef death; permafrost melt; loss of sea and land ice; breaking of the two major glaciers in the coast of the Amundsen Sea in West Antarctica that has kept climatologists and meteorologists terrified in studying the Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers, are all cases in point that proved an irreversible condition of the climate change. 

Methodology: This paper used content analyses by reviewing the climate change brutal scenarios that occurred at random globally. The data on climate events was obtained from the existing literature on the magnitude of destruction of flood rains and storms’ damage due to sea level rise that is exacerbated by the breaking away of the two major glaciers in the coast of the Amundsen Sea in West Antarctica.

Results: The paper examined critically the flood scenarios that occurred in Puerto Rico; Arecibo; Panzhihua; Gopalganj; Kara-Kache; Krasnoyarsk; Tlalpane; Talas; Taif; Valencia; Lagamenas; Khabarovsk; Hadejia; Dabi; Magarya; and Auyo etc. It revealed that massive flooding was witnessed globally within a span of a weeklong catastrophe. Sea level had risen by at least 0.05 percentile as a result of the breaking away and melting of the two glaciers at the coast of the West Antarctica.

Conclusion: The paper concluded that human beings are no longer near the target of achieving the 1.50–20C goal. What remains now is for everyone to understand the dangers of the climate change blind investment that has already thrown the entire world habitat into a déjàvu phenomenon.

Keywords: Climate change adaptation, glaciers, antarctica, flood disaster, sea level rise, global warming.

How to Cite

MRICS, Nura Jibo. 2020. “As Climate Change Responds With Terrifying Brutalities”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 10 (12):322-30.