Study on Growth Characteristics of Some Brassica Species under Moisture Stress and Elevated Carbondioxide

Ranjan Das *

Department of Crop Physiology, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, 785013, Assam, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Brassica juncea and Brassica campestries is two important oil seed crop of North-West India experiences intermittent moisture stress during its growing period. Thus a study was carried out to ameliorate the moisture stress through elevated CO2 applying Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) technology. The consequences of CO2 enrichment were related to the rate of accelerated photosynthesis under both irrigated and moisture stress situation with significant decreases in stomatal conductance. The elevated CO2 brought about a significant enhancement in all the plant growth parameters studied, and also ameliorates the of moisture stress. The carbon dioxide enrichment improves the productivity of Brassica cultivars viz. ‘Pusa Gold’ and ‘RH-30’ through changes in various yield attributes and also nullifying the adverse effect of moisture stress.

Keywords: Crop period, elevated CO2, photosynthesis, leaf weight ratio, moisture stress, net assimilation rate, sink capacity.

How to Cite

Das, Ranjan. 2020. “Study on Growth Characteristics of Some Brassica Species under Moisture Stress and Elevated Carbondioxide”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 10 (12):373-89.