Effect of Potassium and Spacing on Yield and Economics of Baby corn (Zea mays L.)
Muthe Ashwini *
Department of Agronomy, Naini Agricultural Institute, SHUATS, Prayagraj, 211007, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Rajesh Singh
Department of Agronomy, Naini Agricultural Institute, SHUATS, Prayagraj, 211007, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Thakur Indu
Department of Agronomy, Naini Agricultural Institute, SHUATS, Prayagraj, 211007, Uttar Pradesh, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The Crop Research Farm of the Department of Agronomy, SHUATS at Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh) was the experimental area for the present study. The present study was about a field experiment performed during Zaid 2021. The texture of the experimental area’s soil was sandy loam. It is neutral in reaction and have lower content of organic carbon (0.72%). Moreover, rich in available N (278.48 kg/ha), available P (27.80 kg/ha) and available K (233.24 kg/ha). The experiment was designed using Randomized Block Design having nine treatments, replicated thrice for a time of one year experimentation. The treatments which are T1: 30 kg/ha K2O + 30cm x 15 cm, T2: 30 kg/ha K2O + 40cm x 15 cm, T3: 30 kg/ha K2O + 50cm x 15 cm, T4: 40 kg/ha K2O + 30cm x 15 cm, T5: 40 kg/ha K2O + 40cm x 15 cm, T6: 40 kg/ha K2O + 50cm x 15 cm, T7: 50 kg/ha K2O + 30cm x 15 cm, T8: 50 kg/ha K2O + 40cm x 15 cm, T9: 50 kg/ha K2O + 50cm x 15 cm used. The results revealed that the application of 50 kg/ha K2O + 50cm x 15 cm had maximum number of plants (2.74), larger plant height (16.28 cm), utmost cob weight with husk (43.14 g), and cob weight without husk (16.91 g). However, applying 50 kg/ha K2O + 30cm x 15 cm resulted in higher cob yield with husk (6.52 t/ha), cob yield without husk (3.85 t/ha) and green fodder yield (34.63 t/ha). Moreover, it also gives maximum gross profit (Rs. 1,54,000.00 /ha), net returns (Rs. 1,01,421.10 /ha) and benefit cost ratio (1.92).
Keywords: Economics, potassium, spacing, yield, baby corn