Response of Popular Varieties on Foliar Application of Micronutrients on Growth, Seed Yield and Quality in Greengram
G. Adhithya *
Gandhi Krishi Vigyana Kendra, India.
R. Siddarju
Gandhi Krishi Vigyana Kendra, India.
. Parashivmurthy
Gandhi Krishi Vigyana Kendra, India.
T. M. Ramanapa
Gandhi Krishi Vigyana Kendra, India.
P. Mahadevu
Gandhi Krishi Vigyana Kendra, India.
K. Vishwanath
Gandhi Krishi Vigyana Kendra, India.
S. Sowjanya
Gandhi Krishi Vigyana Kendra, India.
U. Tejaswini
Gandhi Krishi Vigyana Kendra, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Effect of foliar application of micronutrients on seed yield and quality were studied in three green gram varieties i.e., KKM-3, WGG-42 and TRCRM-147. Among three varieties, seed quality parameters were significantly differed in yield and seed quality parameters. KKM-3 recorded the highest in growth and yield parameters viz., plant height at 30 DAS and 60 DAS (14.55 and 30.83 cm, respectively), number of nodules and number of branches per plant (28.43 and 6.65, respectively), number of pods per plant and pod yield per plant (g) (12.96 and 11.98, respectively), seed yield per plot (g) and seed yield (q/ha) (204.42 and 3.24, respectively) also, in seed quality parameters viz., number of seeds per pod and 100 seed weight (g) (11.67 and 3.93, respectively), total dehydrogenase activity (1.836) (A480nm) respectively) and protein (24.01%). But, highest germination (%), mean seedling dry weight (mg) and seedling vigor index-II were recorded in WGG-42 (96.07, 220 and 2111 respectively) and highest mean seedling length (cm) and seedling vigor index-I recorded (33.70 and 3046 respectively) in TRCRM-147. Among foliar treatments studied seed quality parameter were significantly differed. FeSO4 recorded the highest in growth and yield parameters viz., plant height at 30 DAS and 60 DAS (15.31 and 31.49 cm, respectively), number of nodules and number of branches per plant (32.10 and 12.83, respectively), number of pods per plant and pod yield per plant (g) (14.11 and 7.60, respectively), seed yield per plot (g) and seed yield (q/ha) (234.18 and 3.72, respectively) also, in seed quality parameters viz., 100 seed weight (4.16 g), mean seedling dry weight (220 mg), seedling vigor index-II (2049), total dehydrogenase activity (1.939) (A480nm) and protein (24.24%) But, ZnSO4 recorded highest in number of seeds per pod (12.09), germination (94.89%), mean seedling length (33.89 cm) and seedling vigor index-I (3217).
Keywords: Greengram, micronutrients, foliar application, KKM-3, WGG-42, TRCRM-147