An Economic Analysis of Okra Marketing in Siddipet District of Telangana
K. Sruthi Sai *
Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, India.
Md. Ali Baba
Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, India.
R. Vijaya Kumari
Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Aim: The present study aims to analyse the marketing pattern of okra in Siddipet district of Telangana state.
Study Design: Only primary data was used for carrying out the study and it pertained to the kharif season of the agricultural year 2019-20. 3 mandals were purposively selected from Siddipet district and from each mandal 2 villages were selected, thus making a total of 6 villages. From each village, 9 okra growers were randomly chosen to collect the primary data through personal interview. In addition, a sample of 7 wholesalers, 7 commission agents, 13 retailers were also chosen randomly for obtaining the data required for carrying out the present study.
Methodology: Marketing costs, margins, producer’s net price, producer’s share in consumer’s rupee, price spread and marketing efficiency were computed to analyze the data.
Results: Three channels were found for the marketing of the produce viz., Channel 1 (Producer – Consumer), Channel 2 (Producer – Retailer – Consumer) and Channel 3 (Producer – Commission agent – Wholesaler – Retailer – Consumer). Among the various identified channels, Channel 1 was found to be the efficient one with the highest marketing efficiency index of 21.22 followed by channel 2 and channel 3 with indices of 3.18 and 1.08 respectively.
Conclusion: Reduction in the number of market intermediaries between producer and consumer could improve the efficiency of marketing of okra.
Keywords: Marketing channel, okra, marketing efficiency