Agriculture Sustainability Achieved through Krishi Bhagya Scheme in North Eastern Karnataka Region

Huchhappa Gondali *

Department of Agricultural Extension Education, UAS, Raichur, India.

D. M. Chandargi

Director of Extension, UAS, Raichur, India.

S. B. Goudappa

Students Welfare, UAS, Raichur, India.

Shivanand Kammar

Department of Agricultural Extension Education, UAS, Raichur, India.

G. B. Lokesh

Department of Agricultural Economics, UAS, Raichur, India.

B. G. Koppalkar

Department of Agronomy, UAS, Raichur, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


In the present study an attempt is made to measures the agricultural sustainability of two districts namely Kalaburagi and Ballari in North Eastern Karnataka achieved through Krishi Bhagya scheme.The major findings of the study indicated that,over one third (38.89 %) of the beneficiaries had achieved medium level of agriculture sustainability and 31.11 per cent achieved high level agriculture sustainability in the study area.While in measurement of agriculture sustainability achieved through Krishi Bhagya scheme under different dimensions, among the nine statements studied under technological dimension, the beneficiary farmers assigned highest score to the statement “Farm pond facilitated to increase the water availability for protective irrigation” and “Farm pond enables recharge of ground water table”, respectively. Whereas, among the five statements studied under economic dimension that the beneficiary farmers was assigned highest score to the statement “Farm pond minimize the dependence on bore well or other source of water for obtaining better crop yield” and ranked first. “Krishi Bhagya scheme improve overall income of the beneficiaries” was ranked second. Similarly among the four statements studied under social dimension, the beneficiary farmers were assigned highest score to the statement “Krishi Bhagya scheme beneficiaries gain opportunities for social empowerment” and “It has enabled for mobilization and facilitation of the farming community”. Among the six statements studied under ecological dimension, the beneficiary farmers assigned highest score to the statement “Farm pond increases crop productivity” and was ranked first. The study suggested for the adoption of efficient water saving techniques by the farmers such as drip and sprinkler irrigation methods to achieve the agriculture sustainability through Krishi Bhagya scheme.

Keywords: Krishi Bhagya scheme, agriculture sustainability, dimensions

How to Cite

Gondali, Huchhappa, D. M. Chandargi, S. B. Goudappa, Shivanand Kammar, G. B. Lokesh, and B. G. Koppalkar. 2022. “Agriculture Sustainability Achieved through Krishi Bhagya Scheme in North Eastern Karnataka Region”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 12 (10):518-23.