Dr. Feifei Pan is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Geography of the University of North Texas (UNT). He received a B.S. degree in Atmospheric Science from Nanjing University in 1988 and a M.S. degree in Marine Meteorology from National Research Center of Marine Environmental Forecasts in China in 1991. He also received a M.S. degree in Geology & Geophysics from Yale University in 1997 and his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering (Major: Hydrology and Water Resources, Minor: Remote Sensing and GIS) from Georgia Institute of Technology in 2002. From 2002 to 2004, he worked at Oak Ridge National Laboratory of Department of Energy (DOE) as a postdoctoral fellow. Prior to joining the Department of Geography at the University of North Texas, he was a research scientist in School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. As a hydrologist he studies the environmental and anthropogenic factors that affect the availability of water as a resource. His particular research focuses on developing data and methodologies that can be used for sustainable water resource management by researchers, governmental agencies, and the general public. To do this he focuses on developing better methods for data collection and analysis through the use of remote sensing technology and environmental modeling. In 2010, he received one of 32 nationally competitive Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards from Oak Ridge Associated Universities. He currently is also an editorial board member of Open Journal of Soil Science.
Special Contribution: Guest Editor of the Special Issue of BJECC on Impacts of climate variability and change on groundwater resources and adaptation options.