2021 - Volume 11 [Issue 9]

Short Research Article

Production of Light Weight Blocks Using Rice Husk

C. U. Okpoechi, C. A. Emma-Ochu, L. C. Ibemere, P. Ibe, E. O. Onwuka, A. C. Osuagwu

DOI: 10.9734/ijecc/2021/v11i930473

Page: 24-30

Original Research Article

Assessment of Vulnerability in Different Districts of Chhattisgarh with Reference to Climate Change

Avinash Yadu, G. K. Das, H. V. Puranik, M. L. Lakhera, H. Pathak

DOI: 10.9734/ijecc/2021/v11i930474

Page: 31-40

Conservation Tillage and Nutrient Strategies Enhances Crop-Water Productivity and Economic Profitability of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L)

Pradeep Kumar Singh, R. K. Naresh, . Vivek, Yogesh Kumar, M. Sharath Chandra, Shakti Om Pathak, Sandeep Gawdiya, Mohd Shah Alam, Himanshu Tiwari

DOI: 10.9734/ijecc/2021/v11i930475

Page: 41-51

Nigeria’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Estimations Based on the 5th Assessment Report

C. E. Ezeokoro, T. G Leton, Y. Momoh

DOI: 10.9734/ijecc/2021/v11i930477

Page: 52-59

Effect of aging of Cladding Material on Crop Yield under Greenhouse Cultivation

Deepthi S. Nair, A. Jinu, K. K. Sathian

DOI: 10.9734/ijecc/2021/v11i930478

Page: 60-66

Screening of Pearl Millet Genotypes for High Temperature and Drought Tolerance Based on Morpho-Physiological Characters

R. C. Meena, Moola Ram, Supriya Ambawat, C. Tara Satyavathi, Vikash Khandelwal, Raj Bala Meena, Manoj Kumar, J. P. Bishnoi, K. D. Mungra

DOI: 10.9734/ijecc/2021/v11i930480

Page: 74-80

Parental Diversity and Its Relationship with Performance of F1 Hybrid in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Avinash Kumar, Ashutosh Kumar, N. K. Singh, Rajesh Kumar, . Nilanjaya, Mithilesh Kumar Singh, Mohd Zakir Hussain, Subhash Bijarania, Monika Shahani, Vinay Rojaria, Kumari Pragati

DOI: 10.9734/ijecc/2021/v11i930481

Page: 81-91

Relationship between Profile and Marketing Behaviour of Turmeric Farmers in Kadapa District of Andhra Pradesh

Settipalli Sravani, S. V. Prasad, P. L. R. J. Praveena, G. Karuna Sagar

DOI: 10.9734/ijecc/2021/v11i930482

Page: 92-97

Agronomic and Economic Analysis of Browntop Millet under Varying Sowing Dates and Nitrogen Fertility Levels

A. Saikishore, K. Bhanu Rekha, S. A. Hussain, A. Madhavi

DOI: 10.9734/ijecc/2021/v11i930483

Page: 98-106

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