Prof. Xing Fang

Xing Fang is currently a Professor with the Civil Engineering Department, Auburn University, Alabama. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Minnesota where he focused on lake water quality modelling and studying impacts of climate warming on dissolved oxygen and fish habitat in lakes. More recently, he has worked in the areas of identifying cisco (coldwater fish species) refuge lakes considering impacts of climate warming and thermal discharge modelling in tidal rivers. Topics of interest includes assessing performance of sediment basins at highway construction sites, evaluation of scour potential of cohesive soils, estimation of volumetric and rate-based runoff coefficients using observed rainfall and runoff data, development of modified rational unit hydrograph, regional unit hydrograph and storm hyetograph development, rainfall loss estimation using non-linear programming, estimation of time parameters for Texas watersheds, synthesis of storm drainage design, and study of sediment transport in gravel-bed rivers, one-dimensional lake water quality modelling, two-dimensional reservoir water quality modelling, three-dimensional computational hydraulics modelling, and water quality monitoring in estuaries. He has served on a number of state, national, and international committees including the Technical Assistant Panel of TxDOT Research Management, the Board of Director for Chinese American Water Resources Association, the ASCE task committee “Urbanization Effects for Groundwater”, the ASCE EWRI TMDL Analysis and Modelling Task Committee, and the Editorial Board Member for British Journal of Environment and Climate Change (BJECC). He is a Diplomate, Water Resources Engineer (D.WRE) credentialed from the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers (AAWRE). He was an Associate Editor in surface water hydrology (2007–2012) and water quality modelling (2012–2013) for the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA). He has authored or co-authored more than 50 journal articles and is a member of ASCE, AGU, and AWRA.


Special Contribution: Guest Editor of the Special Issue of BJECC on "Climate Change Impacts and Mitigation on Water Quality and Ecological Health in Aquatic Systems".