Species Composition and Diversity of Tree Species in Nanta Forest Region in Kota District, Rajasthan, India

Anita Malav

Department of Botany, Janki Devi Bajaj Government Girls College, Kota, India.

Poonam Jaiswal *

Department of Botany, Janki Devi Bajaj Government Girls College, Kota, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The objective of this work was to study species composition and diversity of tree species between two vegetation stands, one is a protected vegetation stand and the other is a non-protected vegetation stand. The tree species composition and community structure were analyzed by field visits in Nanta forest region. Random sampling was done by using a standard size of quadrat i.e., 10x10m2. Results showed that a total of 30 species belonging to 25 genera and 11 families are present in the protected site whereas 8 species belonging to 7 genera and 5 families are present in the unprotected site. Anogeissus pendula (Edgew) and Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) were the most important species in protected and non-protected sites respectively. The Simpson’s index is higher in protected vegetation stands showing greater sample diversity. Family Fabaceae is dominant in both the vegetation stand which shows the ecological importance of this family.

Keywords: Nanta, anthropogenic activities, vegetation, fabaceae

How to Cite

Malav , Anita, and Poonam Jaiswal. 2023. “Species Composition and Diversity of Tree Species in Nanta Forest Region in Kota District, Rajasthan, India”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13 (4):220-27. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijecc/2023/v13i41729.