Nigeria’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Estimations Based on the 5th Assessment Report

C. E. Ezeokoro *

Centre for Occupational Health, Safety and Environment, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

T. G Leton

Centre for Occupational Health, Safety and Environment, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Y. Momoh

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The lack of GHG emissions inventory and absence of standardized estimation methods necessitated this study. American Petroleum Institute’s method of Greenhouse gas estimation methods combined with the global warming potential in the 5th assessment report and Nigeria’s unique gas composition were used to estimate volume of GHG’s resulting from gas flaring in Nigeria between 1965 to 2020, as reported by NNPC. The findings show the total CO2, CH4, N2O and GHG emission between 1965 to 2020 were 1.86*109 tons, 3.3*108 tons, 5.76*109 tons, and 7.94*109 tons respectively. In the 56 years under review, the gas produced was estimated at 2,14*106 MCM, while 9.44*105 MCM of the gas was flared, accounting for 44% of the total gas produced over the years. Overall, the study revealed a striking cause for concern due to the predicted continuous increasing amount of gas flaring and release of greenhouse gas emissions which could have significant effects on the environment. Curbing gas flaring: increased gas utilization for domestic and export uses and standardization of GHG estimation methods were recommended.

Keywords: Greenhouse gas, GHG, gas flaring, Niger-Delta, emissions

How to Cite

Ezeokoro, C. E., T. G Leton, and Y. Momoh. 2021. “Nigeria’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Estimations Based on the 5th Assessment Report”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 11 (9):52-59.