Relationship between Profile and Marketing Behaviour of Turmeric Farmers in Kadapa District of Andhra Pradesh

Settipalli Sravani *

Department of Agricultural Extension, S.V. Agricultural College, India.

S. V. Prasad

Department of Agricultural Extension, S.V. Agricultural College, India.

P. L. R. J. Praveena

Department of Agricultural Extension, S.V. Agricultural College, India.

G. Karuna Sagar

Department of Agronomy, S.V. Agricultural College, Tirupati -517502, Andhra Pradesh, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The present study was conducted at Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh with the objectives to find out the relationship between the turmeric farmers’ profile and their marketing behaviour.  Ex post facto research design was used for the study. Two mandals of Kadapa district namely Mydukur and Duvvur were purposively selected based on the highest area under turmeric cultivation and data was collected from a randomly drawn sample of 90 respondents by a structured questionnaire administered personally as per schedules.  The correlation results of the study revealed that the independent variables viz., age, farming experience, education, material possession, extension contact, training received, achievement motivation and social interaction had positive and statistically significant relationship with the marketing behaviour of the turmeric farmers. Whereas, area under turmeric cultivation and economic status had non-significant relationship with the marketing behaviour of the turmeric farmers. Multiple Linear Regression analysis revealed that all the selected 10 independent variables put together explained about 79.10 per cent variation in the marketing behaviour of turmeric farmers. The analysis of turmeric farmers’ profile indicated that majority of them were middle aged, with less than 2.5 acres of area under turmeric cultivation with medium farming experience, high school level of education, medium economic status, extension contact, training received, achievement motivation and social interaction and they also had medium level of marketing behaviour due to medium levels of planning orientation, production orientation, marketing orientation, market information sources utilization, decision making ability, risk taking ability and innovativeness.

Keywords: Turmeric farmers, profile, marketing behavior, climate change

How to Cite

Sravani, Settipalli, S. V. Prasad, P. L. R. J. Praveena, and G. Karuna Sagar. 2021. “Relationship Between Profile and Marketing Behaviour of Turmeric Farmers in Kadapa District of Andhra Pradesh”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 11 (9):92-97.